Create paged listing from Datalevin query results with Missionary concurrent flow processing
1 August, 2024
This function demonstrated how we can create paging data out of a collection of entity id (eid), utilizing the missionary flow to achieve safe and performant concurrent processing.
One important thing is that we want to reduce the overheads of pulling the entity attributes first, and then filtering them down to just a small subset based on the requested page.
So, basically, we query first to return only the eids, do page filtering and then pull the necessary attributes just for the requested items. Bonus points, we can make use the excellent missionary forking mechanism to parallelize the attribute pull and data transform operation on it.
(defn paged-listing
"Return a task completing with paged listing of running `eid->task` for each eid
in eids concurrently."
eid->task ;; this will be called as `(eid->task conn x)`
eids {:keys [currentPage
:or {currentPage 1
(let [paged-eids (->> eids
(drop (* itemsPerPage (dec currentPage)))
(take itemsPerPage))
total-items (count eids)
[q r] ((juxt quot rem) total-items itemsPerPage)
total-pages (+ q (if (zero? r) 0 1))
{:currentPage currentPage
:totalItems total-items
:totalPage total-pages
:itemsPerPage itemsPerPage
(m/? (->> (m/ap (let [x (m/?> 4 (m/seed paged-eids))]
(m/? (eid->task conn x))))
(m/reduce conj)))})))
The eids
argument is, in this case, could be a values returned from
datalevin query shown below:
(->> (d/q '[:find [?e ...]
[?e :locatorCode]]
(d/db conn))
(sort #(compare %2 %1))
(take 1000000))
Argument eid->task
is a function returning missionary task.
(defn pull-detail-task
[conn eid]
(m/via m/blk
(-> (d/pull (d/db conn) '[*] eid)
,,, ;; some data transformation function here
And, finally, the typical usage could be some thing like this:
(-> eids
(as-> $$ (paged-listing conn pull-detail-task $$)
;; =>
{:totalItems 6,
[{:locatorCode "9EA5F385" ,,, } {:locatorCode "YCTKQZJ2" ,,, }],
:currentPage 2,
:totalPage 3,
:itemsPerPage 2}